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Birth Doula Package $1,600-$2,200


Prenatal Appointments (up to three 3 hour visits)

Prenatal appointments are scheduled between 30-35 weeks. Prenatal appointments will include:

  • birth visualization

  • determining what is important for your birth

  • creating a Birth Plan

  • review common birth options

  • comfort measures during birth

  • labor positions and preferences

  • creating a Postpartum Sanctuary Plan 

  • identifying and addressing any fear

  • getting your home ready for baby

  • common newborn care

  • connect you to relevant community resources


24/7 On-Call Period

Babies come on their own time! From 38-42 weeks I will be on call in case your baby is not born on their due date!


Labor and Delivery Support

I will provide continuous physical and emotional support during your labor and delivery- regardless of where baby is born! I will support your strength and inner wisdom as you are the expert of your own body. I will make evidence based suggestions for birth positions that will enhance comfort and progress labor. I will stay up to 3 hours after your baby is born to support bonding, rest, and nourishment. It is an honor to be invited into people's birth spaces. While I am present I am committed to preserving and enhancing your birth experience so you can transition into parenthood with as much ease and confidence as possible. 


Postpartum Appointments (up to two 4 hour visits)

Postpartum visits are scheduled 2 days - 6 weeks after bringing baby home. 

Postpartum appointments include:

  • implement Postpartum Sanctuary Plan

  • processing your birth experience 

  • newborn care techniques

  • newborn schedule expectations/adjustments

  • feeding baby (chest feeding or supplementing)

  • pumping and storing human milk

  • allowing parents to take a nap

  • safe sleep for newborns

  • light housekeeping



In order to be as accessible as possible, my fees are on a sliding scale $1,600 - $2,200. Pay what you can afford with no questions asked*. A 50% retainer is required to reserve your due date in my calendar.  Another 25% will be charged after completing our prenatal appointments. Then the final 25% will be charged after your baby is born!


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